Marta Castro
I began my way in the health in 2001 by "Amigos del Shiatsu" School, in Madrid, where I graduated as Therapist in 2007. Several years of metamorphosis, reflection and practice.
In 2007 i worked at the same school as assistant of teacher and so at 2009 at "Dhimahi" School, in Blanes.
During my trainning, in 2006 i assisted to seminars of moxibustion by "Sinestesi" School , in Casale Monferrato, Italy.
Trained in Shiatsu and maternity, 2010, by master Suzanne Yates.
Therapist of Traditional Thai Massage, by "TMC" School, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 2010
Graduated in Thai Reflexology, by "Sabai de Ka" School in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 2010
I have developed different workshops of health with groups from infancy, adolescence, women, adults and elders. There we work improving skills as selfmassage, postural correction, routines of corporal work and keep-fit, movement and emotional theatre.
I collaborate with a stand in events for the diffusion of the manual therapies.
Today, thanks to the knowledge compiled of diverse teachers and of the persons to that I have lucky to attend, I try to develop my own style of work, where to combine the best of every branch, together with the press of my learning at the personal level.
In other hand, it´s ten years since I started dedicated to social education, where i could have learned other tools with which try to open myself to others insight.
I believe in the human potential and the power of change that carries the responsability of one itself.
I work with the intention of helping and giving support to the others and to myself in healing processes.
Through the listening, the tact, the respect, the humility and the love