The pregnancy is a happy stage in the life of many women. Nevertheless, with the predominant bustle and the stress nowadays, the pregnant woman needs a special care and support. The Shiatsu is a manual non-invasive very useful therapy during the pregnancy, a good way of going along this trip with the major possible well-being, as well as of coming to the childbirth in an good state of health.

Benefits of the Shiatsu during the pregnancy.
If you are pregnant, the Shiatsu can help along the process:

  • Stimulating the self-knowledge of your body, taking your attention to your body by means of the physical contact, reasing the corporal conscience up. 
  • Consolidating your capacity of self - sanacion, giving support during all the changes (hormonal, physical, emotional and mental).
  • Providing a space of general easing and reducing the stress and insomnia. 
  • Increasing the mobility, specially in the third quarter. 
  • Helping to connect with the baby and his emotions. 
  • Treating the inconveniences and physical problems: It diminishes the muscular tension, the backaches, sciatica. 
  • It improves the digestion and moves the constipation, acidity and motion sticknesses.
  • It Improves the fluency of the blood stream
To come to the childbirth in good state of health and of conscience, can reduce the time of childbirth, the pain, and the possible complications, due to the fact that one is in a condition of major easing and corporal conscience, with minor anxiety and distress.

In addition, Shiatsu's treatment also can help if you are trying to remain a pregnant woman.

... and after the pregnancy

After giving birth, the Shiatsu can be still helping yourself in many aspects:

  • It re-balances the body, for a rapid recovery after the childbirth. 
  • It helps with the production and raise of the milk.
  • It helps to diminish the postpartum depression. 
  • Pelvic restructuring and of the periné. 
  • Maintenance of the level of energy and of the biorritmos (alteration of the cycles of the dream, adjustment to the new routines).
Also with your partner! 

Share some session with your partner, to help him to reduce the possible stress or anxiety, in order that also he gains conscience, and even to increase his implication, doing that he learns some basic massages technics to help you.

A few lines from the heart...

From my experience as mother, I have enjoyed my pregnancy accompanied by the therapy of shiatsu. It`s been marking very special cycles of connection with my baby and stages of change and evolution of the gestation.

It`s meant a meditative space from where to be able to stop to feel many sensations and emotions that along daily live were more difficult to listen and understand, helping myself to answering better to my needs.

I`ve shared with my partner some sessions, so that he also was learning some basic technics to give me support, and to be able to establish his own connections with the baby in gestation.

I have received accompaniment of my therapist of shiatsu during the childbirth. A vital   impulse for the development of my childbirth, and a wonderful experience to share.

And what to say of the first day that I returned home, exhausted and painfull, after a natural childbirth, three nights non sleeping at the back and a waterfall of emotions spreading out all around!
When postpart endorfins come down and you land in your body, it was a gift these wonderful hands that helped me to calm down, rest, and this way to be able to be available for this tender criaturita who so much needs from his mom in this new world.

And during the breeding, it continues meaning a paradise to be able to receive a massage regulary for looking after myself. To be a mother is a total delivery, while it´s so necessary to recharge batteries!

From my experience as a therapist and mother, I wish to join other women, and try to give them help and support in this great adventure of the journey to motherhood.



Is a natural contidition of every woman, a travel to maturity, where the woman experiences a series of changes, that she has to observe and integrate, turning again into mother, of herself.

The menopause is the period in which finishes the reproductive phase of the woman. She begins loosing the menstruation. With the time, the ovaries lose gradually the skill of producing oestrogen and progesterone, the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. Since the production of oestrogen diminishes, the ovulation and menstruation happen to stop. The menstruation can stop befor due to a disease or a hysterectomy. In these cases we speak about induced menopause.

In Europe and in North America, the menopause happens normally when a woman is about 51-52 years old. It can happen nevertheless sometimes already to 40. The age and symptons also have a genetic strong influence. As an empirical rule, the woman who began the menstruation early is more probable to experiences the menopause before.

The perimenopausia is the period of gradual changes tha lead to the menopause. Some women can experience the perimenopausia at the age of 35. It can last a few months or years. During it, there diminishes the speed of production of oestrogen so the levels fluctuate. This causes symptoms similar to the puberty, but more intense. The postmenopause is the period after the menopause.


The symptoms of the menopause are so different and individual in the women. Some of them experience symptoms that their friends never suffer. The duration and severity of symptoms are variable. All women pass through it, and can choose how to approach this paht


 Ansiety, concentration difficulties, exaggeration to the minor problem, easy irritability, bad memory and changes of humor are the psycholgical typical problems. The studies indicate that many cases of depression relate more with circumstances than with the menopause itself. Other events, as taking care of elders relatives, retirement, divorce or widowhood, children growing and going away from home, normally happend around the period of menopause. Also some problems can be caused indirectly due to the disturbance of dream. To deal with emotional symptoms you should exercise reguraly. This helps to support your hormonal balance and to preserve osseous force. To speak with other women who are passing across menopause, can help with emotional symptoms. 


The heats are the most popular symptom of the menopause. The heats can begin 4 years before it finishes the menstruation, but they continue generally one year or two after menopause. Are sudden waves of heat of the body, generally in the face or the chest. They can be accompanied of throbs, perspiration, coldness or night perspiration. The heats cause changes in the temperature control of the body.


During menopause the insomnia  can be experienced. Can represent the difficulty to sleep or to wake or to wake up during the night. It can derivate into fatigue during the day.


The vaginal dryness and minor elasticity in tissues are common problems of the menopause, effect due to the decrease of the level of oestrogen. The vaginal dryness can cause irritation and pain during sexual act. The interest to support sexual relations, inmediatly after declined of libido, can decline and it is also very common not to reach the orgasm. The vaginal lubricants can do the copulation less painful. Also the use of chinese balls  or kegel exercices can facilitate natural lubrication and pelvic muscles strength.


The incontinence increases with the age and there is evidence that the loss of the oestrogen plays an important role. Exercise, coughing, laughing, raising heavy objects or similar movements that apply pressure in the bladder can also make small quantities of urine escape. It is important to know that training of the bladder is a simple and effective treatment for the majority of the cases. See kegel exercises and chinese balls.

Shiatsu tries to harmoniza this process with the intention of accompanying the women in this travel towards herself, offering tools of work, and trying in the other hand to mitigate the symptoms that come with this metamorphosis in the wise woman.


The premenstrual syndrome (SPM) is a set of physical and emotional symptoms preceived by 90% of the women, in most of the cases of slight intensity. Its principal characteristic is that it come before menstruation and disappera after the same one. 

Shiatsu massage reduces the pains and the general symptoms of fatigue that accompany the SPM, facilitating the traffic of energy and blood that produces the stagnation of liquids in the tissues and joints. 

A deep insight to deal and to live healthly through our menstrual cycle. To listen how we feel before, during and after the menstruation, to learn about our own personal cycle signals.

We recomend the use of

moon cup

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